
The lastest release version of LSDB is available to install with pip or conda.

conda install -c conda-forge lsdb
python -m pip install lsdb


We recommend using a virtual environment. Before installing the package, create and activate a fresh environment called lsdb_env with conda, by typing in your terminal:

conda create -n lsdb_env python=3.11
conda activate lsdb_env

We recommend Python versions >=3.9, <=3.12.

Advanced Installation#

To install the latest development version of LSDB you will want to build it from source. First, with your virtual environment activated, type in your terminal:

git clone
cd lsdb/

To install the package and a minimum number of dependencies you can run:

python -m pip install .
python -m pip install pytest # to validate package installation

In alternative, you can execute the setup_dev script which installs all the additional requirements to setup a development environment. Read more about contributing to LSDB in our Contribution Guide.

chmod +x

Finally, to check that your package has been correctly installed, run the package unit tests:

python -m pytest

Creation of Jupyter Kernel#

You may want to work with LSDB on Jupyter notebooks and, therefore, you need a kernel where our package is installed. To install a kernel named lsdb_kernel for your environment, type:

python -m ipykernel install --user --name lsdb_env --display-name "lsdb_kernel"

It should now be available for selection in your Jupyter dashboard!